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Haruka Tomobe (Ph.D.)

I graduated from the Graduate School of Agriculture at the Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan) in 2020 and was awarded a PhD, in which I was investigating the constitutive model for root-soil interfaces and started the development of a multi-physical numerical simulator for plants based on the finite element method, named plantFEM (https://github.com/kazulagi/plantFEM.git). I got an Assistant Professor position at the National Institute of Technology, Toyota College in 2020 to work on plant-soil mechanical interaction and its application for geo-structural designing, and developed coupling analysis for soil, water and root growth. From 2021, I am working at the Tokyo Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor, where I am working on the numerical modeling on the engineering seismology, soil mechanics and plant biomechanics. I am interested in the bio-inspired engineering for geotechnical and earthquake engineering, and making wide range of collaboration work with numerious field such as the plant science and the operations research.

Numerical Examples

2-D Geo-plant interaction

3-D photosynthesis analysis

3-D seepage flow analysis

3-D adaptive mesher

3-D mesher for rigid frames

3-D modal analysis of a elastic cantilever

3-D modal analysis of a elastic cantilever

Earthquake simulation

Earthquake simulation (Newmark-beta + Galerkin Method for 3-D elastodynamic problem)

Open Source Softwares

Multi-physical FEA solver for plant science and civil engineering.

plant FEM


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Journal paper



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Journal paper


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