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plantFEM standard library (std)

In this section, we will use plantFEM for basic programming before we get into plant and soil simulations. First, let’s write a Hello world program, a program that outputs text.

String, Do-Loop, and If-statement

Hello, world!

! Activate the plantfem library.
use plantfem

! Disables implicit type declarations
implicit none

! Print "Hello, world" to the terminal
call print("Hello, world")

! End the program.

Hello, world

Next, let’s output “hello hello hello hello hello”. If we do the same thing as before, we can create a program that looks like this

! Activate the plantfem library.
use plantfem

! Disables implicit type declarations
implicit none

! Print "Hello, world" to the terminal
call print("helo hello hello hello hello")

! End the program.

helo hello hello hello hello

In plantFEM, the string_ type can be used to process strings. If we write this example using the string_type, it will look like this.

Hello, world!

use plantfem
implicit none

! Create a string-type variable named "word".
type(String_) :: word

word = "hello "

! Add "hello " in the end of the word.
word = word + "hello "

word = word + "hello "

word = word + "hello "

word = word + "hello "

call print(word)


helo hello hello hello hello

Here, the string “hello” is followed by one “hello” after another. Since this is a repetitive task, it can be written more simply by using a do loop.

use plantfem
implicit none

! Create a string-type variable named "word"
type(String_) :: word

! This "i"  is defined as a 32-bit integer variable. 
integer(int32) :: i

! Input "hello " into the variable "word"
word = "hello "

! Repeat four times, where i is changes from 1 to 4
do i=1, 4
    word = word + "hello "

call print(word)


helo hello hello hello hello

Now, let’s make it so that it asks you at runtime how many times to repeat the next time.

use plantfem
implicit none

type(String_) :: word
integer(int32) :: i, times

! Output "How many times are you want to repeat?" to the terminal.
call print("How many times are you want to repeat?")

! Read how many times to repeat.
read *, times

! Initialize a string
word = ""

! Attach hello as many times as stored in times.
do i=1, times
    word = word + "hello "

call print(word)


Someone might be mean enough to specify a very large number of repetitions. To avoid this problem, set a maximum number of repetitions, and if the number of repetitions is less than or equal to the maximum number of repetitions, repeat the program, otherwise stop repeating it.

use plantfem
implicit none

type(String_) :: word
integer(int32) :: i, times

call print("How many times are you want to repeat?")
read *, times

word = ""

do i=1, times
    if( i <= 10)then
        word = word + "hello "
        call print("The hello is limited to 10 times.")

call print(word)


How many times are you want to repeat?
The hello is limited to 10 times.
hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello

Now you can perform string manipulation, iteration, and conditional branching.

Array, Equations, and File-IO