Welcome from Python!

Here is a cheat sheet of plantFEM for python users.

Here is a typical plantFEM (.f90) script.

use plantfem

implicit none


! Declare variables used in the script.
type([some struct-name or class-name])::[variable_name]

! Write what to do


Question Python (3.4 or later) plantFEM (and/or Fortran)
How to execute a script? python3 [script.py] plantfem [script.f90]
How to compile a script? - plantfem build [script.f90],
then, an executable file
server.out is created.
Need declarations before using it? No Yes
How to call external modules/libraries import [library_name] use [library_name]
How to define a function which
has return values.
def func(arg):
  retrun ret
function func(arg) result(ret)
end function func
How to define a function which
does NOT have return values.
def sub(arg1, arg2, ...):
  return ret
subroutine sub(arg1, arg2,...)
end subroutine sub
Does indentation have any meaning? Yes No
Are there any statements that must
be written in a program?
No Yes, it is implicit none
How to call a function with return values? ret = func(arg) ret = func(arg)
How to call a function WITHOUT return values? func(arg) call func(arg)
Should the declarations be written
together at the beginning? 
No Yes
How to call class-method
or menber variables
. %
How to comment-out # !
Types in Python Types in plantFEM
int integer(int16),integer(int32),or integer(int64)
float real(real32),real(real64),or real(real128)
complex complex,double complex, …etc.
string character
How to write this (Basic operations) … in plantFEM? …and what to declare before calling it?
for i in range(10):
do i=1, 10

if a == b:

end if
if a != b:

end if
if a > b:
if(a > b)then

end if
if a < b:
if(a < b)then

end if
if a < b and a > c:
if(a < b .and. a > c)then

end if
print(a) call print(a) -
print("hello "+"world!") call print("hello "//"world!") -
How to write this (File-IO) … in plantFEM? …and what to
declare before calling it?
f = open("text.txt","w") call f%open("text.txt","w") type(IO_)::f
f.write("hello)" call f%write("hello") or
write(f%fh,*) "hello"
line = f.readline()" line = f.readline() or
read(f%fh,*) line
int_value = int(line) int_value = fint(line) integer(int32)::int_value
real_value = float(line) real_value = freal(line) real(real64)::real_value
f.close("hello)" call f%close() -
How to write this (Numpy) … in plantFEM? …and what to declare before calling it?
a = np.zeros(5) a = zeros(5) real(real64),allocatable::a(:)
a = np.linspace(2.0, 3.0, num=5) a = linspace([2.0d0,3.0d0],5 ) real(real64),allocatable::a(:)
a = np.arange(3,7) a = arange(3,7) real(real64),allocatable::a(:)
a = np.array([2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) a = [2.0d0, 3.0d0, 4.0d0] real(real64),allocatable::a(:)
a = np.array([2.0, 3.0],[4.0,5.0]) a(1,1:2) = [2.0d0, 3.0d0]
a(2,1:2) = [3.0d0, 4.0d0]
a = zeros(2,2)
dp = np.dot(a,b)
# a is vector, b is vector
dp = dot_product(a,b) ``
dp = np.dot(a,b)
# a is matrix, b is
# vector or matrix
dp = matmul(a,b) real(real64),allocatable::dp(:) ! or dp(:,:)
a1 = a[0]
#index starts from 0 as default.
a1 = a(1) ! index starts from 1 as default. -
random_value = np.random.rand() random_value = random.random() type(Random_)::random
random_value = np.random.normal(loc=average, scale=standard_deviation) random_value = random.gauss(mu=average, sigma=standard_deviation) type(Random_)::random
a = a.T
a = transpose(a) -
a = reshape(a,2,2)
a = reshape(a,2,2) -
What’s this? Explanation
allocatable English
allocatable is one of the strongest feature of the Fortran. We can create any dynamic arrays of any types, including real, integer, character, and derived data types.
intent English

Other features are presented in Documentation